How to Apply For a Rebate
Have you already purchased or leased an eligible vehicle? If so, you can start your application by clicking the “Apply” button below to create a program account. You’ll then have access to a dashboard where you can start new applications, adjust existing applications, and check the status of submitted applications.
To be eligible, your application must be successfully submitted within 180 days of the date you purchase or lease your vehicle. Your application will be considered submitted once the form is complete, all supporting documents are uploaded, and you receive an email confirmation with an assigned Application ID.
SDG&E Account Number
The SDG&E Account Number is the first twelve-digits found at the top of your bill (1234 5678 9101). Applicants can also find this number by logging into their SDG&E account online at and simply click on View Bill under their Account where you can choose to view or download your bill. View a sample SDG&E bill.
If we cannot confirm that the account number entered is correct and active by the time an application is formally reviewed, a copy of a recent SDG&E bill will be requested.
Required Application Documents
Applicants are required to submit the following documents. To expedite your application process, be sure to upload legible copies or images in one of these accepted file formats: PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC or DOCX. If any of your documents have multiple pages, please combine them into a single file prior to uploading.
Please note, your application is considered submitted once all supporting documentation is successfully uploaded and you receive an email confirmation.
For more details about required supporting documents, please refer to our Sample Supporting Documents PDF.
Proof of Vehicle Registration
After submitting an application, upload an image of the vehicle’s valid vehicle registration card or temporary registration showing the current residential SDG&E service address. If there are two names on the vehicle registration card, choose one vehicle owner or lessee to apply for the rebate (only one owner or lessee, as applicable, may receive the rebate for a particular EV).

Driver License
A copy of the applicant’s current (not expired) California driver license should be submitted as proof of residency. Please make sure all edges of the license are visible and all text is legible in the photo or scan.

Vehicle Purchase or Lease Agreement
This is the legally binding contract signed at the dealership before taking delivery of the vehicle. It stipulates the terms of purchase or lease and may be on carbon paper or a digital copy. All pages of the purchase or lease agreement are required.
If the vehicle was purchased from an individual in a private-party sale, a copy of the Certificate of Title (pink slip) must be submitted in place of an agreement. If the vehicle was purchased from an individual in a private-party sale, but a bank or credit union holds the Certificate of Title, submit an Electronic Lien and Title document and the signed loan agreement.

If Applying for Rebate Plus
If applying for the Rebate Plus option, depending on which eligibility scenario is met based on specific income-based requirements, the applicant must also upload some of the following additional documents with the application:
Public Assistance Program Document
This is a form demonstrating proof of enrollment in an approved Public Assistance Program at the time the vehicle is purchased or leased – for example, an Award Letter or Notice of Action. The applicant’s name must match the name of the participant enrolled in the eligible public assistance program (this document is only required if the applicant is verifying eligibility through enrollment in a public assistance program).
Applicants submitting proof of enrollment for income-qualified Medi-Cal must provide the Notice of Action Medi-Cal Approval Letter that confirms they were income verified within the last 12 months. We do not accept health insurance membership cards for this requirement.
You may find a list of eligible public assistance programs here.

IRS Form 4506-C
This form allows the SDG&E authorized implementer (Center for Sustainable Energy) to obtain a copy of tax transcript(s) as income verification. A 4506-C form must be submitted for each person 18 years or older included in the applicant’s tax return for the year in which the vehicle was purchased or leased. If, at the time the application is filled out, the IRS has not yet required taxpayers to file taxes for that year, enter information from the previous tax year on the 4506-C instead (this document is only required if the applicant is verifying eligibility through the program income limits, and it will be provided to fill out during the application process).
You may find a copy of the IRS Form 4506-C for the 2023 tax return year here.

Household Income Summary Form
This form is used to determine household size and household income at the time the vehicle was purchased or leased. Household size is made up of the household members listed on the most recently filed tax return, including any spouse or dependents of any age (this document is only required if the applicant is verifying eligibility through the program income limits, and will be provided to fill out during the application process).
You may find a copy of the SDG&E Household Income Summary Form here.

For more information on the Rebate Plus option requirements, please visit our Program Requirements page, Frequently-Asked Questions, and SDG&E Pre-Owned EV Rebate Program Terms and Conditions.